20th of March 2020
10 a.m. (Austrian/Brussels time) until 12 (noon)
Vulnerability needs a safe space to feel seen,witnessed,empowered and encouraged.
There are situations in life...when vulnerability is the only healthy way to deal with them...
These situations often do not even give us a choice other than being cracked heart open, feeling filled with emotions so intensely that we cannot "function" in a traditional
I know that many soon after a time of pure vulnerability go back to what and how/who they were before this is understandable...we humans want to go back to the the way
we know ourselves...the way others know us...
It can be frightening to change...and let change we do not know what will come out of it...and who might not like us changing..
I also know that many cannot go back to who or how they were before the situation...they are changed from inside out and it feels like they have been set apart and back together...I was and am
one those people...
Loss of all forms (partnership, job, friendship, health, children, death, home,...) changes us and with this we can see and feel where our values and ego-related concepts stand...if we choose to
go is worth the journey...
One part of loss, especially if we "loose" a beloved person always has to with can show us where we are at with our life,our dreams,our happiness...and our sadness,grief,anger or
Those who cannot go back to "normal "....often face many challenges...within themselves and around them...
In most societies we are called to "function"...time for grief, compassion from others and the possibility to show the own vulnerability are often very limited...
...or maybe we do not allow ourselves to fall deep into these feelings and show ourselves in a vulnerable place...
Grief is an important resource for transformation ...surrender and allowing our sadness,anger,fears, guilt, stagnation and/ir disorientation to BE present without judgement,without the need that
these feelings have to go away is so important!
I know from experience that meditations,quiet time and space, supporting people and nature as well as many other tools are wonderful tools to move and shift grief in all its
I learned from and in humanitatian aid...
I learned from my own experiences with death and loss in various forms
I learned in a hospice,death,lief and grief training
and mostly I learned from griefing individuals and those who loved them and the worlds in-between
Love allows our hearts to open completely and we want to be in a sacred space where we can feel supported,empowered and strenghtened...
If we close our hearts to grief and taking time for this process...we risk that our hearts stay closed and we loose connection to the beloved ones who parts,stay stuck in our
sadness,anger,shame,guilt or frustration...
I invite you to open your heart precious one and move through the emotions!
If you feel called...I see you at this circle
we will do/hear:
* energy blessing
* hear ancient stories of connection beyond time and space
* anchor our field
* poetry transmissions
* dive into the loving field of "making peace" with old wounds from loss
* encouragement "pieces" for participants
your contribution:
€ 33
participation via Zoom is possible!
link will be send upon registration
DREAM into BEing
18th of April 2020
3 pm - 7 pm (Austrian time)
Dear concious dreamers,
in ancient times people came together to share their dreams .... dreams were considered important messages ...and connecting with other realities,communing with gods and goddesses...receiving
answers .
Dreaming is such a powerful tool for our healing!
This afternoon we will:
* explore how to remember dreams
* connecting with dream symbols
* energy connection to commune with our dreams
* dream meditation
The content will develop with the power of the group too!
individual dream interpretation will not be part of this gathering!
you can participate online too...Zoom link and more details will be send to you once you register with a personal message
energy contribution: €44
many greetings,
Whales are conscious dreamers :-) … they are teachers for us in this field!(photo taken on the Northern coast of Peru, August 2019)
Meditation from Avalon
available upon request (it has been written at Chalice Well, the red and the whilte wells and sitting in contemplation at the TOR in Glastonbury)
for more Information: